Partnership conflicts can be tough and can hurt your business if they’re not handled properly. That’s where a skilled Charleston business litigation attorney can step in to help. At Lesemann & Associates, we focus on resolving partnership disputes and protecting your business interests. We’re here to help you find the best solutions for your business.

Common Types of Partnership Disputes

There are many reasons why partners might disagree. Here are some common types of partnership disputes:

Disagreements Over Business Decisions

Partners might not see eye-to-eye on how to run the business, such as whether to expand, change services, or invest in new projects.

Example: One partner wants to take on more debt to open a new location, but the other thinks the business should stay smaller to avoid financial risk.

Financial Disputes

Conflicts over how profits are shared or how money is spent are common in partnerships.

Example: One partner may feel that the other is taking more money from the business than agreed, or using company funds for personal expenses.

Breach of Contract

When a partner doesn’t follow the terms of the partnership agreement, it can lead to serious conflicts.

Example: A partner may not be contributing the agreed amount of work or money, which creates an imbalance and tension in the business.

Power Struggles

Sometimes partners argue about who has control over certain decisions, or how much authority each partner should have.

Example: One partner may feel that the other is making decisions without consulting them, leading to disputes about roles and responsibilities.

Exit Strategy Disputes

If a partner wants to leave the business, disagreements can arise over how they should be compensated or how their share of the business will be handled.

Example: One partner may want to sell their part of the business, but the others disagree on the price or terms of the exit.

How a Charleston Business Attorney Can Help Resolve Disputes

A Charleston business attorney can help in several ways:

Facilitating Communication

An attorney can help open up communication between partners, to help make sure everyone’s concerns are heard and understood. This can prevent small disagreements from turning into bigger problems.

Reviewing Partnership Agreements

An attorney can review your partnership agreement to clarify each partner’s rights and responsibilities, helping to resolve disputes about roles, finances, or decision-making.


If the conflict cannot be resolved through discussion or mediation, a business attorney can represent you in court to protect your interests and find a fair solution.

Why Choose Lesemann & Associates for Business Disputes?

At Lesemann & Associates, we have years of experience helping businesses in Charleston resolve their partnership conflicts. We take a personalized approach, working closely with you to understand your business and create strategies that work for your unique situation. Our goal is to resolve disputes quickly and efficiently, so your business can move forward.

Reach Out to Our SC Business Attorneys Today

If you're facing partnership disputes in your Charleston business, don’t wait for the issue to grow and threaten your company. Contact Lesemann & Associates today, call us at (843) 724-5155 to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced business attorneys. We’ll help you resolve conflicts and keep your business on track.