While going to court might seem like the only way to resolve these conflicts, mediation offers a quicker, less expensive option. In this guide, the team at Lesemann & Associates will explain how mediation with a Charleston business attorney can help you resolve your conflict and why it’s often the better choice.

What is Mediation for Business Disputes?

Mediation is a way to settle conflicts outside the courtroom. In mediation, a neutral third party called a mediator helps both sides communicate and reach an agreement. Unlike going to court, which can take a long time and be combative, mediation focuses on cooperation and finding solutions that work for everyone involved.

The Benefits of Mediation


Mediation usually costs much less than going to court. You save on attorney fees, court costs, and the time it would take to go through a full trial. Mediation can allow you to resolve the conflict quickly, leaving more money to invest back into your business.

Faster Resolution

Court cases can take months or even years to settle, but mediation can often be completed in a matter of weeks. This means you can move on and get back to focusing on your business.


Mediation is private. What happens during the mediation process stays between the parties involved. This is different from a court case, where the details of your dispute become part of the public record.

Maintains Business Relationships

Since mediation focuses on finding a compromise, it helps to preserve relationships between business partners, clients, or suppliers. This is especially important if you want to continue working together in the future.

Flexible Solutions

Mediation allows for more creative and flexible solutions than what a court might decide. You and the other party can work together to come up with a settlement that fits both your needs.

How Charleston Business Lawyers Can Assist You During Mediation

At Lesemann & Associates, our team of experienced Charleston business lawyers is skilled in guiding clients through mediation. We understand that business disputes can be complex, and we’re here to represent your interests during the mediation process. Our role is to help you communicate effectively, negotiate fairly, and reach a solution that works best for your business. With our help, you can focus on resolving the conflict while knowing your rights are protected.

Take the First Step Toward Resolving Your Business Dispute

If you’re facing a business dispute in Charleston, SC, don’t wait to get legal help. Contact Lesemann & Associates today to schedule a consultation with one of our skilled business attorneys. Let us guide you through the mediation process, and help you find a fast and fair solution.